All You Need To Know About Oxygen Concentrators

January 31, 2023

All You Need To Know About Oxygen Concentrators

The right quantity of oxygen is crucial for patients with COPD or other lung conditions. Oxygen concentrators are essential for such individuals as they supply pure, medical-grade oxygen.

What Is An Oxygen Concentrator?

An oxygen concentrator is a medical device that aids people with low blood oxygen levels. It is comparable to a home oxygen concentrator (OC) but more compact and portable.

By drawing air from the surrounding room air into the concentrator, an oxygen concentrator creates and delivers medical-grade oxygen. Before entering the concentrator, air contains predominantly nitrogen and a small amount of oxygen. The concentrator removes nitrogen from the air to provide medical-grade oxygen.

When Do You Need An Oxygen Concentrator?

There are various uses for oxygen concentrators, and doctors can advise patients on oxygen treatment depending on their medical conditions. The lungs usually take oxygen from the air and transport it to your bloodstream. However, you require an oxygen concentrator if a complication prevents your lungs from easily or fully absorbing oxygen from the air.

Most acute conditions call for brief oxygen treatment. Usually, these conditions last just a little time. They may have a quick onset of symptoms as opposed to chronic diseases when symptoms develop gradually. These conditions include:

  • Asthma
  • Pneumonia
  • Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS)
  • Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (BPD)
  • Post-Surgery, in certain cases

Long-term oxygen supplementation is necessary for several respiratory or chronic conditions. These conditions include:

  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
  • Cystic Fibrosis
  • Sleep Apnea

Benefits Of Oxygen Concentrators

If you've never used an oxygen concentrator before and your doctor thinks it's the best equipment for you, consider these advantages.

  • An Oxygen Concentrator Will Improve The Way You Feel.

People nowadays just aren't living as well as they could since so many respiratory-related disorders go undetected and untreated - but an oxygen concentrator can help. With today's portable versions, you may use supplemental oxygen for up to 24 hours a day, which can also help you stay more energetic, work out for longer periods, and reduce respiratory-related disorders.

  • You'll Get A Good Night's Sleep.

A typical sign of COPD or Sleep Apnea is poor sleep. Even in healthy people, oxygen levels decrease significantly during sleep, which makes it harder for people with respiratory problems to get a good night's sleep. An oxygen concentrator - sometimes used with CPAP equipment - can assist you in getting better, more restful sleep.

  • You'll Have More Stamina When Exercising.

Many persons with COPD and other chronic conditions find it difficult to exercise independently. This is because exertion increases the amount of oxygen your body requires, causing your lungs to work harder and breathing more difficult. However, using an oxygen concentrator while walking, exercising, or engaging in any other type of physical activity can help you breathe more easily. You may be able to move around more easily, be more energetic, and exercise more efficiently than before.

  • You’ll Be More Alert.

Low blood oxygen saturation might make you feel lethargic, worn out, and less alert. This can make managing everyday tasks more challenging and make it more difficult to maintain healthy routines like exercise.

This is because low blood oxygen levels may have undetectable consequences on the brain, which an oxygen concentrator can help reverse. You may become more active, alert, and better able to respond swiftly to the demands of the day if you use an oxygen concentrator.

  • Your Risk Of Hypoxia Will Be Minimized.

Hypoxemia refers to low blood oxygen levels. Breathing difficulties, asthmatic-like symptoms, and even a subtle blue tint to the skin are all characteristics of this condition. The disease can cause major health problems, but regular use of an oxygen concentrator can reduce these unwelcome and harmful side effects.

Types Of Oxygen Concentrators

There are two types of portable oxygen concentrators: Pulse Dose Oxygen Concentrators and Continuous Flow Oxygen Concentrators.

  • Pulse Dose

Pulse dose concentrators, as their name indicates, deliver oxygen sporadically and only activate when you breathe in. Since a pulse dose concentrator can only give a limited amount of oxygen, this equipment is often advised for COPD patients with minimal oxygen requirements.

  1. Continuous Flow

The continuous flow concentrator is the alternative. Unlike pulse dosage devices, which typically have a capacity of 1250 mL, this device has a maximum oxygen delivery capacity of 3,000 mL per minute. Most COPD patients use continuous flow devices because they are appropriate for persons who require two to five liters of oxygen per minute.

When purchasing an oxygen concentrator, there are five main criteria: oxygen concentration rate, flow rate, portability, noise level, and power supply.

How To Choose The Right Oxygen Concentrator

You should consider the following factors when purchasing an Oxygen Concentrator:

  • Oxygen Concentration

This percentage must range from 87% to 99%.

  • Flow Rate

A flow rate of 2 L/min for oxygen concentrators is generally sufficient. However, some health conditions require a larger flow rate, and oxygen concentrators with flow rates of up to 10 L/min are available.

  • Portability

There are stationary oxygen concentrators and portable oxygen concentrators. Because they can be moved quickly, for instance, from one medical ward to another, portable oxygen concentrators are frequently preferred. However, fixed oxygen concentrators often have bigger tanks.

  • Noise Level

An oxygen concentrator typically has a noise level of between 31 dB to 60 dB, which is comparable to a relaxed setting or a quiet conversation. The noise produced by your equipment will increase in direct proportion to its power and flow rate. However, a smaller portable oxygen concentrator with a lower flow rate and power consumption will be quieter and produce less heat.

  • Power Consumption

An oxygen concentrator's power consumption is influenced by its size and the settings you choose. Batteries cannot power a stationary oxygen concentrator if that is your intended application. They are bigger and heavier because they are suitable for individuals who need more oxygen.

You may consider a battery-powered concentrator if your oxygen needs are more moderate and stable. These are portable and less weight. To ensure your safety whenever you need these concentrators, they are equipped with battery backup.


People can obtain affordable, long-lasting medical oxygen through oxygen concentrators. Hospitals are overcrowded due to the rise in respiratory diseases, and it is crucial that medical oxygen assistance be available. The best choice in this situation would be affordable oxygen concentrators.

Every second counts when it comes to life-saving situations, and we at JQ-Energy Hub make sure you have everything you need to handle them with complete confidence. Offering top-of-the-line, simple-to-use portable oxygen concentrators, we go above and beyond to assure people's comfort and safety.


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